Saturday, November 19, 2011

My country life

Long time. Maybe it's the slow pace of life in Kiboga that has kept me from whipping out my computer and cyber-reporting every major event. Eh...more likely, it's the lack of electricity and lack of time...but no matter. My computer is fully charged today, so this blog is back!

Let me start with some photos from the past few weeks.

My walk to work is a mere 10 minutes, but in that short time I pass a petting zoo's worth of animals. It's a good test of coordination at the start of each day:  don't trip over the goat's tugged cord, don't kick a chicken, and please don't step in poop! In addition to coordination, I have learned a lot about our friendly animal neighbors. 1) Pig poop smells much worse than cow dung, so beware of the careless cow dung side-step that lands you in a pile of pig poison. 2) Chickens will eat anything, including all the greens you planted in the garden. Ugh, and I thought they just chowed on grains! 3) Sheep have very wide and floppy tails. I don't think this fact is widely recognized, but take a look at the back of this here sheep - he practically has a beaver tail. 4) A bull's horns are like a human's lips. When they grow curving upward, the message is strong and proud, like a confident smile. On the other hand, for the bull with the down-growing horns, depression is almost certain. Not only does he have to wear a permanent frown on his head, but it's a frown that weighs 10 kg. How unfortunate you are, my poor bovine Eeyore.

One morning last week, I decided to paparazzi all the creatures I see on my petting zoo commute: 

The beaver tail! Does anyone else think this is so weird?!?

On the way home from work last week, we spotted a rainbow:

And here's a tree outside the hospital that caught my eye in the dusky evening glow:

 (These round metal huts are standard lodging for policemen and their families)

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